3445 S Main St Salt Lake City, Utah, 84115
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Assisting people with disabilities to become more independent!
A non-residential agency serving Salt Lake, Summit, and Tooele Counties.
The mission of the Utah Independent Living Center (UILC) is to assist persons with disabilities achieve greater independence by providing services and activities which enhance independent living skills and promote the public's understanding, accommodation, and acceptance of their rights, needs and abilities.
The UILC is non-residential facility that provides services which enhance the independence of people with disabilities.
The UILC was the first independent living center in Utah and have been serving this community (Salt Lake, Summit, and Tooele counties) since April 1982.
We are consumer controlled with a majority of staff and board members being people with disabilities. Our five core services are:
• Peer Support • Information & Referral • Independent Living Skills Training • Advocacy • Transition
We provide this services both at the individual and community levels. All services are demand driven, through our consumers.
Controlling one’s life and minimizing dependence on other are central themes in the independent living movement. Thus, consumers have a say in the services they receive from the UILC. Elimination barriers in the community enables people with disabilities to be active participants.
Our services assist people with disabilities to achieve increased independence, and include both family and community integration.
Community advocacy is an essential component of out independent living program.
The UILC was established in 1981 and opened its doors to serve people with disabilities in April of 1982. The UILC was the first Center for Independent Living in the State of Utah. The Center was founded on the belief that all people matter and people with disabilities should have the same opportunity and civil rights afforded to them as everyone else. These beliefs continue to be core beliefs of the UILC.
The UILC is a non-residential not-for-profit agency that provides life skill services to people of all ages and all disabilities, assisting them to gain independence in their homes, families and communities.
The Independent Living Movement has historical roots in the social justice movement, and of other self-empowerment movements in the early 1960s. Control over one's life and choosing for one's self are central themes in the Independent Living Movement. These are the foundation for services available at the Utah Independent Living Center.
A person must have a physical or mental disability which impairs activities of daily living and a reasonable expectation must exist that UILC's services will increase independence.
Our services are provided at no cost. We are funded through State and Federal Grants and private donations.
Provides skills training to enhance the independence of adults with disabilities in their homes, families, and communities. The program provides classes in cooking, assertiveness, relationships, financial management, adjustment to disability, and others as consumer needs dictate.
Youth Services and Nursing Home transition programs provide information and assistance to those in the community to transition into more independent lives.
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