1700 E 13th St #114 Cleveland, Ohio, 44114
For Availability
(216) 621-0303
The Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging (WRAAA) is a private nonprofit corporation. We were organized and designated by the State of Ohio to be the planning, coordinating, and administrative agency for federal and state aging programs in Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain and Medina counties. Building upon four decades of experience in providing services and support to individuals in need, WRAAA continues to expand our service portfolio in the long-term and healthcare delivery systems. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you. Our Mission Statement
We provide choices for people to live independently in the place they want to call home.
Our Vision Statement
We aim to create a community that provides aging individuals and people with disabilities the opportunity to have their needs met with optimum choice, dignity, and maximum independence.
To learn more about the support we provide contact us, read our Agency newsletter, or view our Directory of local resources in our Publications section.
Dr. E. Douglas Beach, CEO
Dr. E. Douglas Beach became Chief Executive Officer of WRAAA in October 2014. With his blend of skills, optimism, business acumen, and respect for the aging and disabled populations served by WRAAA, Dr. Beach continues to provide consistent leadership and guidance in all facets of WRAAA operations. Dr. Beach champions the reach of WRAAA's innovative programs and services using his extensive knowledge, expertise, and work at the federal, state and local levels to directly impact Cuyahoga, Geauga, Medina, Lake & Lorain Counties.
Aging and Disability Resource Center
The experts of the ADRC are available to provide information, assistance, and referrals to help connect you to the long-term services and support you need.
The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) provides information, assistance, and referral. A telephone evaluation is conducted to assist callers and their families in identifying their long-term care needs and options. The ADRC representatives also provide verbal and written information and professional guidance to enable callers to make informed choices and gain access to long-term care services including an arrangement for a free in-person assessment with one of the Agency's Community Resource Consultants.
Calls received by the ADRC representatives range from a simple request for a "phone number for home-delivered meals" to "what kind of services are available" or "am I eligible for help from your Agency."
The calls can result in one of the following outcomes:
• Information and referral can be provided over the phone • Information can be mailed to the caller • An assessment can be scheduled to determine eligibility for an Agency program • An assessment can be scheduled to discuss long-term care options • An assessment can be scheduled to determine eligibility for nursing facility placement
Assisted Living
Are you or a loved one eligible for Assisted Living?
The Assisted Living Waiver Program helps Medicaid Waiver-eligible individuals reside in an Assisted Living setting.
This program is designed to help Medicaid Waiver-eligible individuals who may need a range of assistance but desire to maintain a level of independent living in a setting that feels like home.
Our professional staff can evaluate and determine if you are eligible for assisted living.
• Have resided in a residential care facility but are now out of resources • 21 years old or older at the time of enrollment • Meet relevant Medicaid financial requirements • Need assistance with personal care
• Alternative to nursing home placement • One-time allowance to help with the costs related to moving into an assisted living setting • List of Certified Assisted Living Waiver Residences • Each location is based on availability
Consumer Costs
• Monthly room and board fee based on the current Social Security Benefit rate • Additional liability fees may apply • Based on income • Determined during the eligibility evaluation • Ongoing • Ohio Home Care
For Individuals on Medicaid needing long-term care
The Ohio Home Care waiver program serves individuals age 59 and under, on Medicaid with long-term care needs that, in the absence of home-care-based services, would need to depend on a hospital or nursing facility.
This Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM)-administered waiver program provides eligible individuals in need of long-term care facility services with a cost-effective home- and community-based alternative that recognizes the need for autonomy and independence. The waiver program supports the individual's right to choose to live in the community with supports and safeguards needed to ensure their health and welfare.
Waiver Services
Currently, waiver services include but may not be limited to:
• Nursing • Personal care aide services • Home care attendant services • Adult day health center services • Home-delivered meals • Home modifications • Supplemental adaptive and assistive devices • Supplemental transportation • Out-of-home respite • Emergency response systems
Specialized Recovery Services (SRS)
For those diagnosed with severe and persistent mental illness.
Ohio is finding new ways to support the health and wellness of its citizens. Specialized Recovery Services (SRS) Program is a program available through Medicaid for people diagnosed with severe and persistent mental illness.
There are 3 services available through the SRS program, in addition to current Medicaid coverage:
1. Recovery Management
2. Individualized Placement and Support with Supported Employment
3. Peer Recovery Support
Individuals eligible for Medicaid under the Spenddown Program will have a new, simplified pathway to health care coverage. If you are eligible for the SRS program, you will keep your Medicaid Healthcare coverage and receive the additional services without the hassle of spending down each month.
Eligibility Requirements:
The SRS Program has some basic eligibility guidelines. Applicants must:
• Be diagnosed with severe and persistent mental illness such as illustrated in the DSM-V. • Have an income less than $2,199 per month or less than $26,388 per year. • Be 21 years of age or older. • Need assistance with activities such as medical appointments, social interactions, and living skills. • Reside in a home or community-based setting. • Determined disabled by the Social Security Administration.
Returning Home Options
Are you or a family member getting ready to go home?
Transitioning Home
Transitioning from an institutionalized setting, such as a hospital or nursing home, back to the comfort of your own home is a welcome change. However, it often comes with a number of challenges that can hinder your success and safety. WRAAA is committed to helping our consumers achieve the best possible medical outcomes while remaining in community-based home settings. We want to help get you back home through either our Transition Care, or HOME Choice programs.
Transitional Care - Designed for patients transitioning from hospital to home
HOME Choice - Assists those moving from a long-term care facility (hospital, nursing home or residential treatment facility) to a community-based setting
Ohio's HOME Choice:
HOME Choice is a transition program that assists individuals age 18 and older to move from a long-term care facility, (e.g. nursing facility, hospital, or ICF-IID) into a home and community-based setting. Once Medicaid eligibility is established, WRAAA staff is able to conduct a needs assessment.
• Be enrolled in Medicaid
• Be 18 years of age or older
• Have income to sustain community living
• Participate in a needs assessment and have a need for the program
• Have care needs that can be adequately met in a community setting
• Lived in a Medicaid certified facility for at least 90 consecutive days
If you are interested in HOME Choice services, call the Ohio Department of Medicaid Home Choice Bureau at (888) 221-1560
Transition Care:
For patients transitioning from hospital to home
Transitioning from hospital to home is a vulnerable time, often overwhelming and confusing. To help with that transition, members will be matched with a Transition Health Coach to assist with follow-through and discharge instructions, empower the member to create personal health goals, review medications and identify areas of concern or discrepancy, and encourage collaboration between the member and Primary Care Physicians.
WRAAA partners with our area Health Plans to provide the Transition Care intervention (using the Care Transition Intervention model) to members across Ohio, bridging the gap between members and providers by focusing on the transition from hospital to home. The goal of the Program is two-fold:
To promote member empowerment and improve compliance during a hospital-to-home transition
To prevent potentially avoidable hospital readmissions by working with members to ensure follow up appointments are met, medication reviews are completed, red flag symptoms are identified, and a personal health care record is created.
Successful Outcomes
WRAAA has been successfully helping transition members from institutional settings to home and community-based settings since 2015. And, since 2018, with a 30-day intervention, we have transitioned over 1300 patients from hospital to home resulting in reduced readmission rate from 12% to 7%. These results speak to less stress for members with improved outcomes and cost-saving.
Notice of Privacy Policy
Health Information Exchange; Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging, in partnership participates in Health Information Exchange where your information can be shared and accessed by other entities involved in your treatment, payment for services, or healthcare operations. CliniSync is the Health Information Exchange in which WRAAA participates. You may opt-out of CliniSync Health Information Exchange at any time by providing written notice to us by either emailing it to mnelson@areaagingsolutions.org; faxing it to: (216) 472-8782 or mailing it to: 1700 E. 13th. St., Cleveland, OH 44114, Attention: Sr. Compliance and Privacy Officer. We may be required to disclose your information, even when you opt-out, for limited purposes such as public health reporting or as required by Law.
Designed to help individuals who may need a range of assistance but desire to maintain a level of independent living in a setting that feels like home.
Family Caregiver Support
Designed to help identify your unique needs as a caregiver and connect you to every resource that may be able to support you.
Farmer's Market
Receive $50.00 in coupons to purchase fresh locally grown fruits, vegetables, herbs, and honey from participating farmers.
Home Choice
Helping eligible Ohioans transition from institutional settings to either home or community-based environments.
MyCare Ohio
A managed care program designed for Ohioans who receive BOTH Medicaid and Medicare benefits.
Nutrition Program Services
Nutrition programs including home-delivered meals, congregate meals, as well as nutrition education and risk screening.
Ohio Benefits Long-Term Care
Improved access to community-based, long-term services, and supports.
Ohio Home Care Waiver
A waiver program serving individuals age 59 and under on Medicaid with long-term care needs who may need to depend on a hospital or nursing facility.
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