5343 Hamilton Ave Cincinnati, Ohio, 45224
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Living out your retirement as you planned, that’s how it should be. The lifestyle at Twin Towers offers exactly that. You’re free from the worries of home maintenance, have access to an array of amenities, and can rest assured that your future care is taken care of.
Better than you imagined.
By choosing our continuing care retirement community, you’ll be making one decision that comes with countless benefits. From independent and assisted living neighborhoods to skilled care, memory support, and even rehabilitation services. You’ll have the support you need when you need it.
So you can get on with the plans you’ve made, without worrying about the unexpected.
Condo living and senior living communities are not the same. They offer different lifestyles depending on what is important to you.
Here’s a side by side look at the differences between residing in a condo and residing in a senior living community:
Top 4 Differences in a Senior Living Community vs. a Condo
1. Maintenance: Interior and Exterior
Condo: Exterior maintenance is done for you whether you move to a condo or community. However, interior maintenance is your responsibility if you live in a condo.
Community: Both exterior and interior maintenance are taken care of when you move to a community. For example, if you had a problem with an appliance in your patio home at Twin Towers. It would be repaired or replaced at no additional out-of-pocket expense to you.
2. Monthly Fee
Condo: In a condo, there is a monthly association fee that pays for maintenance. This is for the building and grounds as well as amenities, such as a pool or workout room.
Community:A senior living community typically has a monthly fee that covers a myriad of services such as:
• Maintenance and grounds upkeep • Meals • Free or reduced memberships to on-campus health club • Planned outings • Enrichment classes • Campus events • Transportation
Check with the community for a full list of included amenities and services.
3. Home Ownership
Condo: Condo living is homeownership. Therefore, select your neighborhood and neighbors as you did when you purchased your first home. When it comes time to sell, you will be beholden to the fluctuating and unpredictable real estate market. So opt for a desirable, safe and accessible location.
Create a backup plan (or person) to help divest of the condo should you need it. People who move from a condo to an assisted living community often need help. Oftentimes the packing and selling of their condo becomes a family member’s responsibility because of health issues.
Community: Residing in a senior living patio home, apartment or other accommodation does not require homeownership. Communities maintain the ownership of their homes and thus have a vested interest in maintaining them.
4. A Plan for Future Healthcare Needs
Condo: Having a plan for potential healthcare needs is important if you plan to age in your condo. Home care or family assistance is how this is usually handled.
Therefore, be sure you understand the costs of in-home care. In addition, understand the willingness and capability of your family to help. Planning and communication are important for this option.>
Community: Those living in a senior living community, such as Twin Towers, have purchased a contract for lifetime services. They are guaranteed access to assisted living and/or nursing care should they need it. They have put in place a plan for their future.
Your Future Living Accommodations
In the final analysis, it’s important to understand what is most important to you. Review your senior living options and research the communities of interest to you so you can evaluate your choices.
Twin Towers is a continuing care retirement community in Cincinnati, Ohio, offering patio homes, apartments, rehab services and more. We’re focused on supporting the vibrant and active lifestyles of our residents, so they can age well. For more information, contact Twin Towers online or at 513-853-2000. Independent Living
One of the most appealing features of an independent living lifestyle is that it’s entirely by your own design. Your schedule can remain the same as it was before you moved in, but with less worry over the to-do list That comes with homeownership.
Your patio, villa or apartment home is yours to come and go as you please. Campus amenities are yours to enjoy how and when you want. Assisted Living
The right amount of support you need when you need it. That’s what our assisted living apartments offer. Let us take care of the meals, laundry, and housekeeping, so you can fill your day with what you want to do.
And if you need assistance with managing tasks like personal hygiene and medication management we’ll be happy to help. Let’s keep you independent, so you can enjoy life.
Nursing Services
When you’re not feeling well you want to know there’s a team that you can turn to. With our full range of nursing services, including skilled and long term care as well as memory support, we can help you manage whatever the future may bring.
Partnering with your family we become an extension of them. Ensuring you receive what you need when you need it.
Therapy Services
When injury, illness or surgery results in a loss of independence you want to get back to doing the things you love as quickly as possible. We want that too. So whether you need inpatient or outpatient therapy we can help.
Our rehabilitation team (physical, occupational and speech therapies) will focus on doing it what it takes to get you back in the swing of things, so you can get on with life.
Fitness and Wellness
Staying healthy and well looks different for everyone. That’s because there isn't one size fits all approach. Wellness is a personal journey and we know it.
Through our campus health and fitness center The Connection, we’re able to integrate our wellness philosophy into campus life. From guest lectures and recycling programs to group outings and musical concerts, we embrace staying healthy and well on every level.
Twin Towers 5343 Hamilton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 513-853-2000
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