Area Office On Aging

2155 Arlington Ave Toledo, Ohio, 43609

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Type of Senior Living

  • Home Health and Hospice
  • Independent Living
  • Nursing Home
  • Assisted Living
  • At-Home Care


Senior Centers

Community facilities are where older adults can gather and make new friends. While programs vary by center, most offer outreach programs, meals, information, health screenings and counseling, and a variety of educational, fitness and volunteer programs.

Senior Centers by County

A senior center is a place where older adults can congregate to eat and fulfill many of their social, physical, emotional, and intellectual needs. The Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio provides funding to senior centers so they can provide meals, education/recreation programs, transportation, and other services to older adults for little to no cost.


We can't do what we do without you.

We can supplement the care you provide your older patients, residents and customers. Whether you are working with a patient leaving the hospital, a loved one moving into a nursing home, someone living in a senior apartment complex or you are helping a customer in some other way, the Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio has programs and services that can benefit them.

The Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc. (AOoA) is soliciting applications and bid proposals for the provision of priority services for persons 60 years of age and older and his/her caregivers for Program Year 2019-2022 for the counties of Defiance, Erie, Fulton, Henry, Lucas, Ottawa, Paulding, Sandusky, Williams and Wood. Pursuant to the Older Americans Act (as amended), Nutrition Services Incentive Program, Senior Community Services funding, State Alzheimer's Respite, Ohio Housing Trust Funds, Title XX Social Services Block Grant and Lucas County Senior Services Levy, applications and bids for the services solicited by the AOoA will be accepted from any public, private non-profit or for-profit organization. Services that may be funded include Personal Care, Homemaker, Personal Emergency Response System, Adult Day, Alzheimer's and Institutional Respite Services, Benefits Counseling, Care Coordination, Chore, Client Finding, Congregate Meals, Family Caregiver Support Program Education/Training, Counseling (Support Groups), Grocery Shopping Assistance, Grocery Shopping Ordering and Delivery, Health Education (Evidence-Based Wellness Programs), Health Screening/Medical Assessment, Health Treatment/Medical Treatment, Home Delivered Meals, Home Delivered Meal Assessment, Home Injury Control/Assessment, Home Maintenance/Repairs, Home Medical Equipment, Legal Assistance, Elder Abuse, Long Term Care Ombudsman Services, Nutrition Counseling, Nutrition Education, Socialization/Recreation, Socialization/Telephoning, Supportive Services, Transportation, and Escort Assisted Transportation.

The Area Office on Aging helps those age 60 and over, their family caregivers as well as some younger persons with disabilities receive the care they need to help them remain as independent as possible in the following ways:

Adult Day Care

Adult Day Care service centers provide a coordinated program of professional and compassionate services for older adults in a community-based group setting. Services are designed to provide social and some health services to adults who need supervised care in a safe place outside the home during the day, so family caregivers can get a temporary break from the demanding responsibilities of caregiving.

Assisted Living Waiver Program

The Assisted Living Waiver Program helps bridge the gap between an older adult living in their own home independently and living in a nursing home, providing another cost-effective option for long-term care.

Caregiver Support Program

Families, not social service agencies, nursing homes or government programs, are the main providers of long-term care for older persons in Northwestern Ohio. The National Family Caregiver Support Program, implemented as a part of the Older Americans Act of 2000 recognizes the monumental role caregivers play in caring for older family members. Under this program five basic services are available: information to caregivers about available services; assistance to caregivers in gaining access to services; counseling, support groups, and caregiver training; respite care to enable caregivers to be temporarily relieved from their caregiving responsibilities; and supplemental services, to complement the care provided by family caregivers.

Connecting with Services

The Area Office on Aging serves as a single entry point into the long-term supports and services system for older adults and people with disabilities by connecting them with the information and services they need to live quality independent lives and maximize their independence.
Consultation with a Social Worker or a Nurse

Long-Term Care Consultations are provided by the Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio free of charge to consumers and focus on planning for services that may need be needed to remain as independent as possible.
Dining Site Meals and Home-Delivered Meals

Lunch is on us. A dining site meal is the centerpiece of services provided at senior centers where older adults can congregate to eat and fulfill many o f their social, physical, emotional and intellectual needs.

Our meal delivery program offers tasty, home-made, balanced meals that provide one-third of the daily required nutrients, delivered directly to the homes of older adults whose mobility is limited. There's no place like home to enjoy the smallest of pleasures of life like a meal being brought right to the door.

Grandparents and Relatives Raising Children

The Kinship Navigator Program is designed to provide information and resources to assist grandparents and other relatives who are raising children in their extended family. Many of the children have behavior and learning disabilities, which can be a daily challenge to the Caregiver. The Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio connects grandparents and relatives raising children to information and services in our community, including education programs, financial assistance, health care for the children, and more.

Housing Programs

The following programs are offered through the Area Office on Aging's Housing Department.

Adult Foster Home Program The Adult Foster Home Program, funded through the Ohio Department of Aging, is administered by the Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio. This program allows older, dependent adults to remain in the community in a safe and supervised environment.

HEAP Program (Heat Energy Assistance Program) - a federally funded program, administered through the Ohio Department of Development's Office on Community Services, that is designed to assist low-income Ohioans in meeting the cost of home heating. For more information, contact (419) 382-0624, ext. 1157.

Housing Smarts Resource Guide Housing Smarts is a comprehensive guide that was developed primarily to assist in finding suitable housing for seniors. In addition to assessing housing resources, Housing Smarts may be a useful resource for planning purposes.

Housing Subsidiaries - The Area Office on Aging's Housing Subsidiaries are Island Parkway Manor, located in Defiance, Ohio; Riverview Terrace, located in Napoleon, Ohio; and Westhaven Apartments, located in North Baltimore, Ohio, which are all low income elderly apartments sponsored by the Area Office on Aging.

Minor Home Repair Program - The Minor Home Repair Program is a state funded program through the Ohio Department of Aging and the Ohio Department of Development for minor home repairs and modifications for the eligible older adults (60+).

Residential State Supplement - The Residential State Program is a state-funded program which provides a cash supplement to low-income, aged, blind, or disabled adults who have increased needs for assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing or dressing, but do not require nursing home care. This program is provided through the Ohio Department of Aging and provides assessment and case management. To be eligible for this program, one must live in or move into one of the following types of licensed facilities: Adult Family Home, Adult Group Home, Adult Residential Care Facility, or a certified Adult Foster Home.

Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program

The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program advocates for the rights of people who receive long-term care services in nursing homes, adult care facilities, or through in-home care programs. Ombudsman advocates respond to complaints made by or on behalf of the resident of Northwestern Ohio's long-term care facilities.

Nursing Home Transition

The Area Office on Aging work with older adults who were placed in a nursing home, but no longer want or need to be there by helping them transition back home.

Nutrition & Wellness Programs

The goal of Nutrition Programs is to provide nutritionally balanced meals to those who are 60 years of age or older.

Dining Site Meals - For those who are 60 years of age or older and are able to leave their homes, there are over 57 dining sites in The Area Office on Aging's ten-county service area. The dining sites are a place for older adults to socialize and receive a hot noon-time meal on a donation basis. Fun, exciting and up-to-date nutrition education is provided at the dining sites. Transportation is available to most dining sites. Also, evening and weekend meals may be provided at some sites.

Home Delivered Meals - Our Meals Delivery Program offers home-made, balanced meals that provide one-third of the daily value required nutrients, delivered directly to the homes of older adults whose mobility is limited.

Nutrition Education - Designed specifically for individuals 60 years of age or older. Topics include diet and disease prevention, diabetes, weight maintenance, food safety and food preparation.

Healthy U - The Healthy U Program is a workshop given two and-a-half hours, once a week, for six weeks, in senior centers, churches, senior apartment complexes and libraries. Workshops are facilitated by two trained leaders. Subjects include: techniques to deal with pain, exercise, appropriate use of medications, and nutrition.
PASSPORT In-Home Care Program Provider Agencies

Click here for the referral form.

The PASSPORT Program can help with home-delivered meals, bathing, dressing, housekeeping, transportation, emergency response systems, adult day services, equipment and more. PASSPORT also has consumer-directed service options that empower persons 60 years of age and over to be employers of record and hire their own service providers (including friends, neighbors and some relatives) to provide services such as bathing, dressing, housekeeping, meal preparation and others.

To be eligible for PASSPORT, the person must be:

    At least 60 years of age
    Permanently residing in a non-institutional setting (i.e., not in a nursing home or assisted living)
    Qualify for Medicaid under waiver criteria.
    Monthly income maximum is established annually by Medicaid (possible co-pay for services may apply)
    Combined resource maximum of $2,000 or less in savings, checking, etc. (1 car and home are exempt if senior is living in the home)
    Need for hands on assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, grooming, mobility and/or medication assistance)

Ride to the Doctor

The Area Office on Aging pays for Black & White Cab to provide up to two medical transportation trips per month for older adults in Lucas County who have no other way of safely getting to the doctor.

Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

Older adults living on fixed incomes sometimes find it difficult to afford locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables. Going without these foods negatively impacts their health. Older adults with limited income apply for and receive $50 worth of coupons that act as cash when purchasing locally grown fruits, vegetables, herbs and honey from about 130 participating farmers.

Special Events

These programs are meant to promote well-being among older adults and provide events for the general enjoyment of older adults.

50+ Sports Classic - The 50+ Sports Classic is an Olympic Event aimed at athletes ages 50 and over. Activities include bowling, tennis, golf, track and field, swimming, table tennis, and basketball. Each competition is divided into age groupings; awards are given to the winners of each age group within each sporting event.

Senior Safari - The annual Senior Safari event at the Toledo Zoo allows older adults to enjoy exhibits and other forms of entertainment. A lunch is served and attending seniors can participate in health screenings.

Images of Aging - The Images of Aging event publicly recognizes Northwestern Ohio centenarians who have contributed so richly to their families and communities and to publicly thank the families of these individuals, who have supported them throughout their older adult years.

Caregiver Expo - The Caregiver Expo gives caregivers the opportunity to receive information on the products and services available to aid in their care-giving responsibilities. The Expo provides the opportunity for businesses to educate the public on their latest products and services.

Spring Fling - The annual Spring Fling Senior Day Event offers valuable resources for area seniors. Free health screenings are provided and businesses are given an opportunity to inform the older adult population of their products and services.

Senior Holiday Party - The Senior Holiday Party consists of live entertainment and lunch.

Legislative Breakfast - The annual breakfast meeting with Northwestern Ohio's legislators and public officials gives the Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, its colleagues and older adults a chance to share thoughts, ideas and information on the issues facing older adults today.

Annual Meeting - The Annual Meeting is an all-inclusive review of the Area Office on Aging's activities, highlights and financial status. The Annual Meeting serves as a way for the Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio to publicly thank its partners, sponsors, employees, and board members for all they do.

Volunteer Programs

Volunteer programs allow older adults to give back to the community, and provide a way to remain active.

RSVP offers a full range of volunteer opportunities with thousands of local and national organizations for people age 55 and over. RSVP provides pre-service orientation, training from the organization served, and supplemental insurance while on duty.

There are various opportunities available that can be viewed on the Volunteer Web page of this site. These opportunities include the Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol Program where volunteers get trained by the Toledo and Sylvania Township Police Departments and get to ride around in one of their retired patrol cars to help keep home bound older adults safe by visiting them weekly. These volunteers report any safety concerns that are law enforcement in nature back to the Police Department. Any safety concerns that are social service in nature get reported back to the Area Office on Aging for follow-up.

Another volunteer opportunity is the Caregiver Volunteer Respite Program, which allows volunteers to give a family caregiver a temporary break from their role caring for their aging loved one. Each week, an RSVP trained volunteer comes visit with the aging loved one so caregiver can get a break for a few hours.

RSVP volunteers also get trained by the Toledo Fire Department and conduct fire education to older adults in the community through the Senior Advocates for Fire Education (SAFE) Program. Just a few of the other volunteer opportunities include delivering meals to home bound older adults and serving as a reading mentor for elementary school students who need help learning to read.

Room Amenities
Meals & Dining
Professional Chef
Dietary Accommodations
Property Amenities
  • On-Site Medical Staff
  • Housekeeping
  • Laundry Service
  • Transportation Services
  • Medication Management
  • Walking Paths
  • Gathering / Activity Spaces
Social Activities



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